Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Disgust with the Canadian Senate

Ah...the electioneering.
The federal election is a long campaign this time...October 19th, 2015 is voting day.

The electioneering brings up thoughts of the Senate again, despite purposely missing the nightly news.
I am frankly disgusted with them.
And disgusted by them.
The Senate, not the nightly news, although that's occasionally a close second.

Yes, it was back in July when the Canadian House of Commons almost unanimously passed Bill C-518.

Some people are aware that the almost unanimously passed Bill then failed.
Guess where?
Why...at The Senate of course!

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation recently sent out a newsletter which included:

"Bill C-518, the law that would revoke
 the taxpayer-funded pension
 for criminal politicians
 was killed in the Senate this past summer,
 even after being passed
 nearly unanimously in the House of Commons."

"Under the proposed legislation, any MP or senator convicted of an indictable offence that carries a minimum sentence of two years in prison would only keep what they put into the pension plan, losing the generous government contribution.
But while the offence must carry at least a two year sentence, the convicted parliamentarian doesn’t need to have served that long to be penalized," reads The Globe and Mail.

Let's see if Trudeau and Mulcair will offer to reintroduce the bill--in its original form--as part of their election platforms.

"That's akin to the wolf designing the chicken house," grins Kia.

The Federal Conservatives won't forget...

We're all keen to have young people go out and vote.
Is it any wonder they do not?

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