Saturday, August 24, 2019

Telus Temerity

Temerity is definited in the dictionary as:

excessive confidence or boldness; audacity.
"no one had the temerity to question his conclusions"
synonyms:audacity, boldness, audaciousness, nerve, effrontery, impudence, impertinence, cheek, barefaced cheek, gall, presumption, presumptuousness, brazenness, forwardness, front, rashness;

And it's abundantly clear that temerity is the correct word when describing any actions of the telecommunications giant.

For example, consider the recent telus email outage that lasted approximately two days for most users.  Some customers experienced a four day outage.

It wasn't until several days later that discussions among the public ensued.

Castanet's discussion forums had a number of comments from concerned users.

But problems persisted for many people.

In my case, I was instructed to change the password on my telus webmail by callling a 1-888-number.
On calling it, there was no numerical option (of the usual numerous 'press one if...'  the nice recorded voice offered).  So I never changed my password...I can't even recall how many years ago I first set a password!

Another email from telus:

A message from Tony Geheran
TELUS Chief Customer Officer

August 22, 2019
Dear ......,
Last week there was an outage that impacted access to your email. The issue occurred during an overnight update to our servers in the early hours of Thursday, August 15 when a flawed repair procedure, in partnership with our vendor, took the email system offline.

On behalf of the entire TELUS team, we are incredibly sorry for any inconvenience this issue has caused. Although you should be able to send and receive email now, we know we let you down, and this disruption does not represent the level of service that you expect and deserve from us. We want to help make this right by offering you compensation.

If you are still experiencing issues, please click here to receive additional information on how you may be able to mitigate these issues.
Our immediate action for compensation
To thank you for your patience and apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused, we are offering you a $7 bill credit. Depending on your bill date, the bill credit may appear on your upcoming bill or the bill thereafter. Please note, one bill credit valid per account.
Rounded Rectangle: You must click here to receive your bill credit
What's next
TELUS will be reaching out to customers with additional updates as we continue to resolve the issue. We are committed to providing superior service to our customers.

Part of our customers first commitment means doing everything we can to make this right. Thank you for your business. Please click here or on the image below for a video message from me to you.

Anyway, it all appears to be settled now, with emails arriving and being sent daily.

The opposite (antonym) of temerity?

"civility, courteousness, courtesy, gentility, graciousness, mannerliness, manners"

Yup...temerity was the correct word when describing how telus deals with its users.

A chance encounter with a telus employee two days ago at a drive-through restaurant--and our spontaneous conversation on the outage topic--led me to believe temerity is definitely the correct word, as he said: "I never read anything from the's all propaganda".

And that's from a telus employee!


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