Friday, August 14, 2020

Harrington Lake "Cottage" Reno

Prime Minister Trudeau is apparently away on vacation.
But we doubt he's swinging a hammer or hauling countertops at his summer cottage...

The Prime Minister's "cottage" at Harrington Lake
There's been no word whether the planned renovations are complete, but it appears that the projected cost of $8.6 million has ballooned to more than $10 million, according to the Canadian Taxpayers' Federation whose article is here.

A recent email from CTF stated:

That’s why the Canadian Taxpayers Federation is pushing the federal government to sell Harrington Lake.

And here’s the good news: Conservative leadership contender Peter MacKay has joined the fight to sell Harrington Lake.

We interviewed MacKay on the Canadian Taxpayers Podcast and asked him about selling Harrington Lake. You can listen to the interview by clicking this LINK and here’s the direct quote:

“What does a prime minister need a cottage 20 minutes from his home for anyway?” said MacKay. “I see no hesitation in selling that property. I think there’s a lot of government properties, quite frankly, that we could sell, including the CBC building in downtown Toronto.”

Now we need to get other politicians moving in the right direction and they listen best when they’re campaigning, so we need your help. Please take a minute to email the other Conservative candidates and urge them to get on board and to sell Harrington Lake. Here are their email addresses:
If you want to send MacKay a note and tell him to stick with his plan to sell off Harrington Lake, here’s his email address:

This is about more than wasting money on a big luxury cottage estate for the prime minister. This is about sending the message that taxpayers aren’t going to put up with the government wasting our money. So let’s send a strong message on this one.

Thank you for all that you do – it’s making a difference.


- Aaron, Kris, Todd and the whole CTF Team.

Sell it?
Probably not a bad idea, considering it's 20 minutes from his official residence.

But then PM Trudeau would have to spend more occasions at various islands (owned by his wealthy international cronies)...because "my cottage retreat is gone".

If only HE were...


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