Monday, December 21, 2020

A This-n-That Catch Up Blog Post


Wow, busy times indeed.  Because of COVID-19?  Perhaps despite it.  

Anyway, lots to catch up on:

From the internet

Almost ready for Christmas...

My 20+ year old BIOS weather station has stopped transmitting outdoor temperature from the remote to the family room receiver.  Even new batteries didn't help as the receiver stopped displaying data too.  I noticed the wind cups were damaged too.  So I set off into town to replace it, despite not remembering where it had been purchased all those years ago.  Nada...anywhere.

Hating all the in-store madness during COVID-19, went home and got online, hoping the same BIOS station would be available.  Nada...again.  Nowhere on the internet!

the 20+ year old BIOS station...loved it!


I was really disappointed to not find the same weather station.  Then I found one BIOS station, without the wind-thingy...and ordered it.  On its arrival at my door, I was again disappointed that it's so small!  The inside unit is all of 4 inches tall!  (versus the previous unit's one foot-tall profile).  But the worst part is that the signal from the outdoor unit now takes a straight path from up to 100 feet distant.  The previous BIOS unit was also at about that range, but it could go around a corner!

It couldn't go on the wall where its predecessor was...because this new BIOS station can only send--and receive--in a straight line!  Darn it!  Oh well...

The receiver is only 4 inches tall!

Returning home from a Kelowna appointment, I opted for the Pelmewash Parkway return route along the lake.  Recently updated with a walking path and parking areas, it's a lovely spot even during the winter.  And most recently, this (above) magnificent pole and metal sculptures were erected by an indigenous group.  Absolutely lovely!

Beautifully done!

so cute...customers were laughing at his skinny legs!

Grandson's excited about Christmas...he's a bright light in our lives.

Here our daughter, her friend, friend's daughter and our grandson are enjoying Silver Star's first ski-able snow!

And of course, we're all listening for COVID-19 vaccine news.

We hope for good news, but expect either none -- or worse news.  Fingers crossed that next year will not be worse than 2020.  So many lives have been lost, and we feel for their families.


Stay healthy everyone!

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