Saturday, March 30, 2013

Highlands Golf open for the season

Great weather (20C) for the Easter weekend.
Opening day was Good Friday.

Nice to see our regular customers again; good to know they're all a year older as well *grin*.

Lots of discussion ensued from the new clubhouse sign:

    3 levels of government, all within a 5-minute drive, lead to huge and burgeoning bureaucratic costs in the North Okanagan of B.C.    The 2013 property tax increase is 4.12%
Customers had lots of suggestions on how to reduce costs!
The majority involved getting rid of government(s).
"I'd tend bar if I could," offers Kia.


  1. Great to hear Highland is open. I will spread the word in my own circles. I hope you have a wonderful and prosperous season.

  2. Thanks for your good wishes.
    It'll be an interesting season with "overhead" spiking to previously unimagined levels.

    Kia's excited to be greeting customers again.


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