Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Change is Needed...October 21st is our Opportunity

Man, oh man, do we ever need a change in Ottawa!!

This arrived via email today:

"Interesting reading before casting a vote in the upcoming election.....  

View from the West

I am a fourth-generation Canadian who has lived in Vancouver for most of my almost 80 years. I have always believed that I resided in a place that represents the world’s best geography: one of the largest land masses, thinly populated, resource-rich. It is next to the world’s most powerful nation and yet far enough from the squabbles of Europe and the travesty that is occurring in the Middle East.

We are also among the freest countries in the world, including freedom of religion, assembly, movement and trade.
Considering our preferred positioning, Canadians should ask themselves a few questions. Why is investment rapidly fleeing Canada?

Consider that in the past five years, the amount of Canadian business capital invested abroad has exceeded the amount of foreign capital invested into Canada by more than $150-billion.

Why is economic growth so low? The average annual rate of economic growth since the Liberals formed government is 1.8 per cent – barely above population growth – and the Bank of Canada projects an annual GDP growth of just 1.3 per cent this year.

Why are politicians celebrating disastrous job numbers? While Statistics Canada announced more than 80,000 new jobs last month, nearly three-quarters were part time, with full-time employment actually decreasing by 7,500 jobs for those over 25.

Worse still, nearly 35,000 women lost full-time employment.

Internationally, because of respect earned over a century, Canada belongs to many international organizations such as the British Commonwealth, NATO, G8, G20 and the Organization of American States. As a result, when we have a respected and qualified prime minister attending, we are able to punch above our weight and contribute positively to the discussions of the day, to the pride of Canadians. (To include examples from both major political parties, take Lester Pearson and Brian Mulroney.)

Unfortunately, our present foreign affairs team seems to have failed to perform to traditional standards and, in the case of India, brought Canadians ridicule, embarrassment and huge costs.

Our leader’s recent international contributions seem to have denigrated our nation in the eyes of many in the global community.

With all our natural advantages, Canadians are seemingly mismanaging a wonderful opportunity. Our citizens are Canada’s shareholders, and clearly they should vote for a change at the top so we can restore our economy, our unity and our spirit.

Peter M. Brown Founder, Canaccord Genuity; Vancouver"

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