Really?, Mr. Rempel?
Deport the bastard NOW.
We can take up a collection for the plane fare.
newspaper headline today had me gasping in horror...that's two days in a row! (after that disgusting individual featured in the story in Wednesday's newspaper).
And I blame two Canadian government agencies for promoting the horror and danger.
Immigration and Refugee Board member Geoff Rempel ruled on August 2 that it was not right to keep detaining Hamden and that he should be released.
"In my view, with appropriate conditions of release, he is not a danger to the public," he said in the review documents.
thankfully! the federal court later issued an interim stay of release and is currently reviewing the Immigration Division's decision.
Rempel's "appropriate conditions of release" is laughable.
Mr. Rempel--whose qualifications for the job are frankly unknown to us--likely pours over tomes of precedent-setting legalese, and then goes home to his comfy armchair in a lovely cloistered and secure dwelling.
He's a bureaucraft who lives in another world.
Too bad he lives in Canada and makes decisions that could easily affect the safety of other Canadians.
Doesn't he understand that terrorists (of all stripes) will happily lie to your face, and continue to dream of ways they can destroy what we Canadians hold dear?
Because that's the way they were raised, that's the way it is in their (former) country, and that's the way their minds will always work.
That's also because Canada offers the freedom to spout all manner of crap.
He received Canadian refugee status in 2002 because he said there were "threats" in his native Jordan. Oh, how sad. So he packed up and brought his hatred and promoted it here. It could years later have landed him in Enderby had someone in government not gotten off their fat arse and realized there was a problem.
Laws need to change.
And fast.
And retroactively, so the individual in today's horrific story doesn't get the benefit of a law changing after he was charged.
Even Enderby Mayor Greg McCune is outraged, principally because neither the Immigration Board nor the RCMP hadn't contacted him when the likelihood of the individual being released into his community became available to government.
Before you mirror my thoughts and shout "
Stupid Government(s)", thankfully the Canada Border Services Agency saw it was critical to detain the terrorist after he shared 75 Facebook messages of terrorist support online.
A calmer disposition has me looking up the
Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, on which its "members" are listed. Geoff Rempel is listed fourth from the end under Western Canada.
So these are the people who make decisions on whether immigrants can/can't come in, on whether any detainees will/won't be deported, etc.
It is stated that "Members render decisions on refugee claims and appeals, admissibility hearings, detention reviews and immigration appeals."
And there are 16 in the Western Region alone.
In charge of the Western Region is
Karin Michnick, Assistant Deputy Chairperson, Western Region.
I will be writing Karin Michnick a very strongly worded letter, copy to Geoff Rempel, expressing my disgust and horror at the mere thought of the bastard Hamden coming to Enderby, let alone not being deported.
Other people should contact them too:
Phone contact the Legacy Office at 1-833-534-2292 …
How to Make a Complaint
- 4.1. A complaint about the conduct of a member must be made in writing to the Director of the
Office of Integrity. It may be sent to this address:
Director, Office of Integrity
Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada
Minto Place, Canada Building
344 Slater Street, 14th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K1
- 4.2. A complaint can also be made to the Director of the Office of Integrity by email at this address:
- 4.3. A complaint should include the following information:
- a) the name and contact information of the person making the complaint;
- b) the name of the member who is the subject of the complaint;
Hamden, the terrorist supporter who named the Revelstoke Dam as a potential target. |
In an interview with the CBC, former CSIS and RCMP operative Mubin Shaikh said Hamdan's potential release is a serious situation. "He should definitely not be released."
Attaboy, Mubin!
Oh...and Hamdan has argued he was falsely accused of terrorism and has sued the B.C. and Canadian governments.
"Let's get rid of Trudeau fast," Kia would've said "before he gives Hamdan $10 million like he did Khadr".
This is on your conscience, Geoff Rempel.
Sleep well!