Monday, February 17, 2020

It's a Bird, It's a Plane...

But two eye-witness reports state:
 it's a UFO...again.

A "flashy, flying object over Okanagan Lake (was) spotted in Naramata and caught on video," reports the Vernon Morning Star.  They observed the object for approximately 10 minutes on February 13th.

But the onlookers weren't alone in their observations.
On January 28th, other people reported seeing several events that reminded them of UFO's, reported the Vernon Morning Star.  Numerous people saw the object(s).

Wowsers, people exclaimed!

Many reports of possible UFOs have been recorded:

"While these types of sighting are a rare occurrence, there have been a number of documented UFO instances in the Shuswap area over the last two decades.

One occurred on April 2, 2015, in Salmon Arm. A witness described a massive grey saucer shape that made no sound.

Another occurred in 2003 near Mara Lake. It was described as diamond-shaped, with a cluster of lights and the size of a three-storey house.

Another sighting was reported in 2003 near Sicamous, in which RCMP were contacted."

Wonder whether the new-ish Observatory near Oliver, B.C. recorded anything on those nights.

The closest facility is about 20 minutes South of Penticton, there is the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory

"Thanks to telescopes, we have really discovered a new world," states the publication Canada Under The Stars.  

Google maps are such a boon to information:  terrain, areas of population, roads, lakes.  And how interesting is it (yes...really!) that the south Okanagan area and where the newest observatory is located just happens to be near the White Lake Formation's outcroppings (146 pages!) (chiefly McIntyre Bluff north of Oliver...which is just half an hour south of Penticton), where some UFO sightings were reported.

(click graphic to enlarge).

Wikipedia has a list of observatories in Canada, and here is the list from British Columbia:

British Columbia

Anyone notice that the list includes one Penticton?
Where's the one just north of Oliver as shown on the Google Map above?
Or is that one-and-the-same facility?
It appears to be the same one, located at Kaleden BC in the Marron Valley.

Or is it not listed because it is watching AND listening for something else?

Maybe it's connected--somehow--with the recent detection of FRBs?
The most recent FRB detection was in June of 2019.

Seems the U.S. Navy is "all over it", as the saying goes in this report about a May, 2019 incident.

Now what should we serve E.T. for dinner?

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