Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Coldstream Council Remains Leery of Public Dissent

During NEW BUSINESS at Coldstream Council's meeting March 26th, the following amendment was made, as referred to in "unadopted minutes":

"template for Council meetings be amended to read as follows:

3.a. This time is to afford members of the public the opportunity to provide additional information on issues directly related to an item on the agenda dated [DATE]. If members of the public want to ask questions on any issue, they must provide written questions that will be replied to in writing (emphasis Ed.). Any other requests or comments should be directed through a delegation request.

No. REG2012-132 CARRIED"
The recommendation was moved by Councillor Dirk, and seconded by Councillor Cochrane.

Residents had, since last year, stated their on-going frustration and disappointment with Coldstream Council at being charged for off-site servicing for "developments having an impact on infrastructure" based on the contentious Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 1535, 2008. 

Finally, residents on the 15 stated streets will receive notice, based on the motion made by Councillor McClean, seconded by Councillor Dirk that:

"the owners of the properties identified in Schedule 12 of the Bylaw No. 1608 2012, receive written notice of their area's specific drainage deficiencies; and that there be a follow-up process established that ensures meetings are scheduled to provide staff and Council an opportunity to further explain and answer the residents' questions regarding the District's concerns and the intervention needed to correct the identified deficiencies.
No. REG2012-128 CARRIED"

"and that staff be directed to draft a policy that would provide direction to staff as to the interpretation and application of Bylaw 1608, 2012 when considering issuance of a building permit.
No. REG.2012-129 CARRIED"

Council may expect these changes to reduce the dissention expressed by residents. 

Proof will be in the pudding after residents--many of whom are still learning that this is occurring in the community--receive their notification letters.

The only change could be that Council merely sees 45+ new faces at their meetings.

"I love new faces," suggests Kia.

But Council won't, as they'll hear the same thing they've heard since last year. 

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