Monday, December 24, 2012

You'd Think Local Government Would Get The Idea...

...from all the Letters to the Editor about how local government SPENDS, SPENDS, SPENDS our money!

Another compelling letter, this time from Gabe Siska:

"As one follows the local media, it is always full of aspirations of various residents who talk about requiring this or that service or facility, giving no consideration as to the cost of the same and who will pay for it.

Without mentioning our own personal financial situation, there are many people that require a better or newer car or kitchen stove or perhaps moving up to a larger home.

However, because of more important needs, they make do with what they have.  If they have a leaking roof, they spend a few dollars and repair it.

We presently have a museum, an art gallery, a swimming pool, a running track at Polson Park and facing financial challenges at all three levels of government, not withstanding the governor of the Bank of Canada reminding us to pull in our belts.

Thinking back to Sunday shopping and how it was voted on continuously until it finally passed, certain people will continue to pester and lobby until the money is spent and the vicious circle goes on.

We now have three arenas in Vernon alone, perhaps we should build another one just in case more people move to town.

Or another half-dozen more ball fields because Funtastic is getting more popular.

When these referendums come around in the near future, I believe we should look at our wallets before we vote and remember that it is the taxpayers that end up with the costs of these dreams of the few who think they represent the masses."       Gabe Siska

"Couldn't have said it better, Gabe!" offers Kia.

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