Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Frazzled Times

Yes indeed...everyone's frazzled with the COVID19 shutdowns.

And it's certainly no different at our house.

But it's sure tough when an old person is a 5 year old's only playmate...

How does a 5 year old amass so many Hot Wheels cars?
You can imagine what my house looks like...

And chaos also reigns at daughter's house...both she and her husband work in the food industry.
In order to mitigate school closures and reduce the number of days (two per week) that I need to care for our grandson, our daughter and husband stagger their days off.  Essentially, they never see one another anymore.

Chaos?  German Shepherd Benny appears to be interested in a marmot...

The marmot is visible in the space between the 3 boulders!
Benny intent on finding the marmot...
And yes, apparently he found the marmot.
Hours later, when dog Benny wanted inside for the night, he zipped into the house...marmot clutched in his jaw.  Chaos ensued.  But that was exciting for grandson.  Not so much our daughter and son-in-law.

Daughter is trying to build a chicken coop...albeit on her own.

 Windows?  Don't ask...

Home haircuts...our son-in-law gives his son a cut.
And the golf course?

Oh almost an afterthought...

Highlands Golf will open Friday, May 1st under strict distancing conditions.  Without being allowed to hold BBQs and tournaments, there's really no point in being open all week.  So we've decided to be open Fridays through Mondays only, with hours  9-4 pm.  Tuesdays through Thursdays we will be closed.

"5 years in April"...yup that basically sums up this month.
May ought to be interesting too.

Stay safe everyone.

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