Saturday, May 23, 2020

Who Writes This Stuff?

...on the internet?

Anonymous material, often sent via email, can often be poignant, or blasphemy, frightening, or a combination.

But I read it.

Here's another, received a few days ago:

"I was talking with a cardiologist today. He thinks there is a possibility there may never be a vaccine. Some other doctors working with perfusionists(cardiac) think the same.

The media and the government have not handled CCP virus appropriately. Canada and USA shouldve been locked down in January but with appropriate business protections.

You tube videos at that time showed the clotting disorders, seizures, and respiratory difficulties in China at that time. It is only recently that western media are overtly acknowledging this. Too late.

Given that these videos at that time were available for the layperson why was cytokine storm not researched? Why was no cohesive plan made for patient treatment? Why are medical authorities not recommending vitamin C and D3 to flatten the curve?

The economy hasn't been handled correctly either. All these shutdowns are a killer. Stopping air travel was the key as was social distancing. Making people financially distraught wasn't the answer. 

The real key to everything is stress management: Self talk and communication that preserves health, and is safe.

Typically there is a 48 hour window after any event in which both the conscious and unconscious are affecting physiology. Given that this virus is out and about what is key is vigilance, but immune preservation by ignoring media hype inducing panic. 

Vitamin D3 half life is 15 days. If you take too large a dose which uses up magnesium and anxiety results, wait a while but enjoy the lung protection that D3 affords.

Vitamin C half life is about 12 hours. So D3 can be modulated more slowly, whereas Vitamin C is more immediate. Both these vitamins along with the hand washing and social distancing will flatten the curve.

Wish the medical authorities would do some reading on the tons of studies on D3 and C.

If the studies say they don't work in acute cases likely the dosages were not high enough. In acute cases large doses of C and D3 act like drugs essentially. And although the vaccine is hopeful it is not here yet.

All those people that are old or whoever should be on D3 and C, as much as they can handle. I have to lower my D3 a bit as the anxiety is creeping up from D3 again, so I will lower my evening dose to zero(4800 units every morning) until it subsides.

Calcium is known to be an agonist of Vit D3 and C and as such I hypothesize that due to hard Calgary water perhaps this is why my body is declining slightly higher D3 intake.

Yes the oil price is up again. Probably necessary however doesn't make sense given that there are massive resources available. Then again if the price goes too low then obtaining any becomes a problem."

Somebody's rambling?
But maybe they have a point.


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