Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Amalgamation Petition Available Online

You may choose to be Anonymous or to let your name stand.
And you can "x" out of the iPetition "donations" request on the next page.

You may add a Comment, too.

Reading the Comments that residents have posted http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/greater-vernon-governance-society/signatures makes one realize how residents from all walks of life have been touched by overlapping and redundant bureaucracies.

The Society's website is here:  http://www.greatervernongovernance.ca/

"Touched?  asks Kia, offering "Some residents have been nearly bludgeoned by those bureaucracies."

Yup, ain't that the truth!



  1. I like Mayor Garlick's comment today in the Morning Star that says people will realize what a good thing we have going once we get educated. Typical of the mayor to assume that anyone for amalgamation has not educated themselves on the issue.Councillor Enns also says that everyone he has talked to is against amalgamation. Obviously Mr. Enns has not taken the time to talk with very many people as I know many in Coldstream that would like to look at what amalgamation would look like. KPMG's latest report says that it would save money and streamline the current overlapping system (mess) that we have now.

  2. Yup, same ole', same ole' from Coldstream.

    The Morning Star sure showed their hand when they neglected to print the Society's second (official) Media Release.

    Probably because it referenced Coldstream's wages and administrative costs have gone up 45 per cent in 5 years.

    Heaven forbid the newspaper would print something important versus the normal drivel that fills their pages.


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