Thursday, June 26, 2014

Landfill "Fallout" from "Mini Material" B.C.

Paul Twa had his opinion printed in the Morning Star's June 8th, 2014 issue:

         "Re:  letter to editor "Please trash new recycling plan" by Jean Collier:  Our household and most neighbours agree with Jean's comments regarding the difficulties in recycling with the new MMBC system.  Due to age and mobility issues our neighbourhood will be going from avid recyclers to little to no recycling, and I suspect the only items that will be left out for pick up will be the blue boxes themselves.  

Due to inability to store and move the new bins, in our household we will therefore be going from one or two large blue bags per pick-up to none, with all of the recyclable material now going to the landfill.  Great job reducing waste B.C. government." 
                                                Paul Twa

None of the plastic pictured is allowed to be placed in the blue boxes! 

"Paul, they'll hire another bureaucrat and audit your garbage," suggests Kia.

Mother Earth is weeping at the travesty.

Gasping from the recycling program shoved down our throats by the mafia, MMBC.

"It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority.”
― Benjamin Franklin

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