Thursday, June 19, 2014

More True Today Than Ever

The blogging world is sometimes reluctant to touch on topics that aren't politically correct.
Labels of bigot, racist--even intolerant buffoon--generally result from broaching these subjects.

And so it remains today, but with numerous horrors flying in the face of western tolerance--the worst of which is admittedly domestic terrorism--many people wonder aloud what the hell is going on.

Especially when political parties of all stripes--Conservatives, Liberals and the NDP--say "We're broke, and can do nothing more to help Seniors, Veterans, Children of Familes entrenched in poverty, the Homeless and the Mentally Afflicted."

Retired seniors are living on a "Fixed Income".
Do they get any breaks while our government and religious organizations pour billions of dollars and tons of food into foreign countries?  Canada's list of adoptable children is long, yet they're shoved aside to make room for the adoption of foreign orphans. 

Not just Canada either:  Australia, the United Kingdom, the U.S.A. too.
Seniors and veterans built these countries!
Children go to bed--and to school--hungry.
The elderly go without needed medication.
Mentally infirm individuals are abused.

Yet governments still allow illegals and other freeloaders on their shores, all the while an increasing number of their own population are lining up for limited resources.  
All while food, clothes, bedding, doctors and medical supplies head to other countries.

In the last few years, we have provided direct cash aid to:

Hamas $351 million; Pakistan $2 billion; Libya $1.45 billion; Egypt $397 million; Mexico $622 million; Russia $380 million; Haiti $1.4 billion; Jordan $463 million; Kenya $816 million; Sudan $870 million; Nigeria $456 million; Uganda $451 million; Congo $359 million; Ethiopia $981 million; South Africa $566 million; Senegal $698 million; Mozambique $404 million; Zambia $331 million; Kazakhstan $304 million; Iraq $1.08 billion; Tanzania $554 million.

"And they still hate us," affirms Kia.

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