Sunday, July 20, 2014

Speaking Plainly

...So refreshing in many ways when plain-speak follows government's incessant ideas.

Whether it's the national TV weatherman reminding viewers to wear sunscreen or the daily news anchor suggesting you not head out in the family sedan without checking tire pressure, or reminding people to watch their toddlers at the's all getting to be a bit much...for a lot of people.

Including Armstrong Councillor John Trainor.
And good for him!

Following a Powerpoint presentation by the Canadian Cancer Society where they and Interior Health reps requested that Armstrong develop an anti-smoking bylaw, John Trainor had obviously had enough.

"We have a group coming to us who are an obvious paid dog-and-pony show sent out by the Interior Health Authority asking us to create more rules for more people because apparently we don't have the common sense to do anything for ourselves without some government organization telling us we need to do it.  It's ridiculous," said John Trainer.

Council subsequently opted to investigate anti-smoking bylaws around public buildings which is really the only duty within their purview.

Mr. Trainor was likely happy to see the group's tail lights when they drove away...albeit not in a Prius.

"Government should remind people to provide fresh water for their dogs," suggests Kia.

That was on the news this morning too, Kia.

Kudos to John Trainor for speaking plainly.
It's a rare art.

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