Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Three Times Kelowna's Water Rate!


That's what North Okanagan residents today pay for water from the Greater Vernon Water system.
How's that for a growth management strategy?

Citizens for Change to the Master Water Plan made two 10-minute presentations yesterday...the first to new Vernon Mayor Akbal Mund and Council, the second to District of Coldstream acting mayor Pat Cochrane and Council. 

Not surprisingly, area reps to the Greater Vernon Advisory Committee were reluctant to revisit the Master Water Plan, voiced vociferously by Councillor Doug Dirk from Coldstream.

But numbers from the presentation spoke volumes...and 15 or so members of the public were frankly shocked to learn of the disparity.  Hushed comments were often heard from both public galleries.

Eric Jackson addresses Vernon council with a spellbinding presentation.

Terry Mooney, Chair of Citizens for Change introduces plans from the grassroots group.

"Otherwise we can apply to participate in Communities in Doom, versus Communities in Bloom," suggests Kia.

1 comment:

  1. Given these crushing numbers on water costs and the reluctance of the fractured governance of Greater Vernon to accept and deal with it, why would anyone want to move, establish a business, or even remain here? Perhaps the recent poor growth numbers are beginning to reflect this.


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