Sunday, March 13, 2016

Recycling Brainwashing Continues

It just won't go away.

And in today's Letters section, the managing director of Multi-Material BC continues that lie, stating "that's good news for the environment".

Yes, of course, recycling--generally--is a plus for the environment.

But for Allen Langdon of Multi Material BC (unaffectionately called Mini Material BC) to state that "more items than ever before are accepted for recycling" is abject garbage.

"...recycling boxes in Kelowna have wheels and lids"

How can it be good for the environment when residents have to get into their cars to deliver unacceptable-at-the-curb items to recycling depots?

How can it be good for the environment when residents have to haul heavy, unlidded containers lacking wheels, to the curb, already sorted into two--yes, only TWO--categories:  paper/newsprint and containers?

The previous blue-bag program was wonderful, accepting overwrap and plastic shopping bags, bread bags, and multitudes of other common household packaging.  Blue bags were easy to twist-tie against the weather, could be hauled to the curb the night before and were protected against rainfall.

Do the North Okanagan's residents know that recycling boxes in Kelowna have wheels and lids?

Seniors have indicated that the new boxes -- heavy even when empty -- are almost impossible to haul down apartment stairs without the risk of injury.  Many seniors have written letters to the editor stating that they have quit recycling altogether.  That prompted the Regional District of North Okanagan -- one of apparently 18 regional districts in the province that received a $1,000,000 "incentive" for the program -- to state they might set up "garbage audits" at the landfill.

Typical reply from bureaucrats.
Instead of fixing what the real problem is:  Langdon's MMBC rules!

So what is the two-category sorting actually good for?
Certainly not the environment, Mr. Langdon!
It's "good" for MMBC!
Because MMBC can save money by purchasing recycling trucks that only had two compartments:  one for paper/newsprint and the other for containers!

Meanwhile residents had to devote increasing storage space in their homes, if only to have the previously-acceptable recyclables accumulate separately until quantities allowed a trip to the recycling depot, which had never before been necessary.

Oh, and Mr. Langdon also forgot to state that the MMBC program is good for the multinational Asian purchaser of the recycled materials, who obviously is the donor of the $18 million "incentive" for the regional districts.

MMBC recycling containers state: "brought to you by industry".
What a bunch of malarky.
One of them is the largest bakery in Canada...who won't even accept their own bread bags back in the regular recycling program!   Nope. 
We have to take them to a depot.
By car.

And what "industry" is charging retailers of their products is downright highway robbery!

"Langdon's rhetoric is bad for the environment," states Kia.

Good summation.

And, as in so many things, the regional district is complicit in the brainwashing.

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