Thursday, June 27, 2019

Climate Change Response

This letter to the editor of the Morning Star was published June 26, 2019:

"It was nice to read Kieran Greandbois' letter (Students Rally for Climate Justice, Vernon Morning Star May 29) about the not so wonderful experiences interacting with the public over the student campaign for climate change response action.

"...argument for why
 it is impossible
 for man-made CO2 to be a
 significant factor in climate change."

It seems like a thoughtful and calm letter that recounted various instances of flip offs, name calling and knee-jerk reactions on the part of the public.

Among other points, he stated that "not one of the commenters has been able to back up their ridiculous claims with an unbiased scientific source."

In response, I volunteer to discuss the topic with him and the group in a respectful manner and to provide a credible, and essentially unassailable, mainstream scientific argument for why it is impossible for man-made CO2 to be a significant factor in climate change.

"...H2O water vapor has a
 much higher fractional content,
...has many thousands of times more
 greenhouse impact, and is responsible for
70 to 95 per cent of the greenhouse effect."

CO2 is only a trace gas in the atmosphere (0.000400 by fractional content), has a very limited width absorption spectrum, and has no significant greenhouse effect.

In contrast, H2O water vapor has a much higher fractional content (it varies with humidity), has a much wider absorption spectrum, has many thousands of times more greenhouse impact, and is responsible for 70 to 95 percent of the greenhouse effect on any particular day.

If Kieran wold like a small public venue for a meeting, I encourage him (and anyone else) to look up and join the new Vernon Planetary Reality group on

It's a friendly venue for inquiring about and discussing evidence for a variety of topics.

Alternatively, I volunteer to meet with the group in some other venue and take the time to provide useful information.

It is certain that world-wide climate change is happening.  It's hard to not agree with that after examining the worldwide floods, crop losses, and increased seismic activities in recent years.  It's a very serious topic because it affects the world food supply.

For example, many countries around the world have suffered 40 to 50 per cent crop losses because of weather in the past two years.

Climate change is not because of you.  It's not because of CO2.  It's because of the sun.

The real cause is the grand solar minimum that the earth is currently entering at the end of solar cycle 24.  There are many scientific measurements and reasons behind that statement.

Hopefully, Kieran and his group will take me up on my positive offer of time and science."

K. Jameson

(Blog note:  no website link is available for the Vernon Planetary Reality Group)

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