Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Canada's No-Penalty Prime Minister...a Misguided Blockhead

Yup...Justin Trudeau is indeed a blockhead, according to a good many folks these days, many of whom have paid Canadian taxes for longer than T2 has been on this earth.

Canadian taxpayers demand accountability, but Justin Trudeau doesn't see it that way.
Our "legalize marijuana" prime minister decided in 2015 after being elected that the First Nations Financial Transparency Act didn't have to be followed.

Even the Canadian Taxpayers' Federation--always in support of financial accountability--is outraged.

Their notification today to supporters is as follows:

"One of the first things the Trudeau government did after being elected in 2015 was to halt enforcement of a key piece of legislation – the First Nations Financial Transparency Act.

The FNFTA requires all 600+ First Nations Bands in Canada to open their books, show Canadians and their own band members how much the chief and council are being paid and publish their audited financial documents.

After it was passed in 2013, all but a few bands complied, and the Harper government used provisions under the law to withhold non-essential funds from bands that flaunted the law.

Yet, in December 2015 the Trudeau government released the money and told the bands there would be no penalty for ignoring the law.

We launched a petition calling for the government to enforce the law. That petition has just under 20,000 signatures. We want to go to Ottawa before the 2019 federal election and deliver a powerful message to our political leaders that this lack of transparency cannot be ignored."

The CTF financial accountability petition is here.

To be fair, "all but a few bands complied" with the FNTA, but the fact that Trudeau states there's no penalty for ignoring the accountability rules is disgusting.

Justin Trudeau is an embarrassing and shameful silver-spoon baby of whom many, many Canadians are ashamed.  His stammering and stuttering on the international stage is almost laughable.  Almost.

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